Isabel Cathrin Krull

Username: @isabelcathrinkrull
Gender: Female
Age: 29 (May 2, 1995)
Pole dancing since: 2014

I'm Isabel Cathrin Krull from Munich Germany. (: I've started Poledancing in December 2014 after having my very first class just a few weeks before that. While taking my very first class I was immediately hooked by this sport, which had never happened to me before with any other kind of sport I tried. Pretty soon Poledance became my Passion. A Passion I wanted to share. Therefore, in Summer 2016 I started my journey of becoming a Pole and Tease Instructor. Until now (Dec 2017) I have attended the following Instructor Trainings: Pole Instructor (30+) | ADC Hamburg Pole Praxis: Level 0 (Static & Spinning) | Pole Teacher (300+) | ADC Hamburg Pole Praxis: Level 1 (Static & Spinning) | Pole Teacher (300+) | ADC Hamburg Chair Instructor (Beg./Int.) | ADC Hamburg Lap Instructor (Beg./Int) | ADC Hamburg Floorwork Instructor (Beg./Int.) | ADC Hamburg Striptease Instructor | ADC Hamburg Level 2 (Static & Spinning) | PoleEducation Professional | Dance Moves Academy Level 3 (Static & Spinning) | PoleEducation Professional | Dance Moves Academy Level 4 (Static & Spinning) | PoleEducation Professional | Dance Moves Academy I have also discovered the FeetUpĀ® Trainer as one of my favorite Training Tools and participated in the FeetUpĀ® Teacher Training 2017 in Munich. Since January 2017, I'm part of the amazing Trainer Team at "Munich Poledance", where I originally started Poledaning and I'm more than grateful to get to share my passion by teaching Pole and Tease Classes/Workshops to my lovely students. Other than that I'm studying "Fitness & Health Management (B.A.)" at the IST-Hochschule.
Joined: Nov 5, 2017
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